Wednesday, 26 March 2014

100 Happy Days!

So I've seen this idea a few times around the interweb, and it seems like a really nice way to a) be more optimistic and realise how much good there is in my life, but also to b) blog a bit more regularly! If you want to join in too, then you can read more about it here!

I know this blog is usually a bit more funny (or at least that's what I aim for, so if you've missed that then... yeah, my bad), but while I'll still try and be funny for the next hundred days, this blog may take a bit more of a cutesy turn, just to let you know in case you're not down with that... in which case, thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in July! Also, I'll probably not be posting every day, but maybe just a weekly round-up of all the happy things that have happened in the week.

I'm not going to start today, because I'd like to get a bit more prepared and take some nice high-quality pictures of my happy things, rather than covering the page in dodgy camera pictures, so I'll have my first one up by the end of the week!

So sorry for the slightly non-post, but I thought if I posted this then I'd be committed and make sure I do it! Thanks for reading and stay tuned!


  1. Looking forward to this. You really are committed now!

  2. Looking forward to this. You really are committed now!

  3. Looking forward to this. You really are committed now!
